Affiliate Disclosure

We believe in transparency. We understand that you might be concerned about whether our affiliate relationships influence our reviews and recommendations. Here’s how we address that:

  • Our writers and editors are independent of our affiliate partnerships. They do not get paid for which products they recommend or how many sales they make.
  • Reviews and recommendations are based on the product’s functionality, ease of use, pricing, free plan availability, features, independent testing, expert feedback, and third-party users reviews.
  • Every content goes through editorial guidelines for accuracy and objectivity before publication.

It’s important to share that we might earn a commission when you buy products through our site’s links. This helps us pay our bills, feed our families, and reinvest in testing products to create high-quality content.

There is no extra cost to you. You pay usual to a product’s company. In other words, the price is the same whether you buy through our links or directly from the company. But, hey, let’s help each other; remember, we are humans.

    We work with leading affiliate networks like Impact, CJ, PartnerStack, ShareASale, Rakuten, Amazon Associates, and individual software company. Working with major affiliate programs allows us to choose the reputed brands as they offer detailed analytics, transparency, and fraud prevention.

    We discard many software coverage ideas after testing if we don’t find a good fit or if they don’t justify their promise. Read our editorial policies.

    Our goal is to deliver the best possible in-depth business software reviews and actionable guides to help you succeed. Your success is ours!

    We reinvest more than 50% of our earnings on products and our team to ensure we deliver unbiased reviews. If you have any questions about our affiliate relationships or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us.