A Network Attached Storage (NAS) helps you conveniently backup important files. It is the perfect backup solution for users who want privacy, control, and reliability.
You can choose to use it as a storage space, sync drive for your computer, or as a platform to stream media on your private network.
The one-time setup fee for a NAS could be more expensive than subscribing to a cloud storage service. However, eventually, you might end up paying more for cloud storage. On the other hand, it is just a one-time investment for at least half a decade with a NAS.
So, is it just the cost of storage that makes NAS a popular option for businesses? Especially when taking Synology NAS as a solid option? We’ll tackle this in the latter half of this post.
But first, we’ll explore the best solutions to back up your Synology NAS data to the cloud.
- 1. ElephantDrive
- 2. C2 Storage
- 3. IDrive Synology Backup
- 4. Amazon S3 Glacier Storage
- 5. Backblaze B2 NAS Cloud Backup
- 6. Wasabi Cloud NAS
- 7. Dropbox Backup
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1. ElephantDrive

ElephantDrive offers native integration with various NAS devices, including Synology. You can get the package from within the Synology Package Center. It also works well with popular NAS software such as TrueNAS, Rockstor, etc.
If you want an easy option to secure your data in a cloud storage platform, ElephantDrive is a good candidate.
You might want to check if your Synology NAS model is supported and then explore the subscription options available.
2. C2 Storage

C2 Storage is an official offering by Synology. If you would rather not trust third-party services and want a seamless support option for your hardware and cloud, C2 Storage can be a good pick.
It supports a wide range of features like integrity checks, encryption, cross-site sync, and more to keep the data protected and available across your entire network. You will also find version-controlled backups for fine-grained restorations.
You can opt for its 30-day free trial and give it a spin.
3. IDrive Synology Backup

IDrive provides a cloud storage platform that you can connect to using the Synology Backup app by IDrive. You need to select the correct model of the Synology device before downloading a package suitable for your requirements.
The backups are encrypted, and you can schedule automatic backup/restore jobs. It also supports email notifications and manual backup/restores when needed.
For a premium, you can also opt for its Express service, which lets you perform bulk transfers faster than you’d usually expect.
4. Amazon S3 Glacier Storage
If you are already using some of Amazon’s AWS services or want to explore them, the S3 Glacier storage service should be beneficial.
It can be incredibly cheaper than other options. However, the pricing for storage isn’t straightforward. The pricing will depend on the data transferred, stored, and as per the region hosted. So, you will have to check Amazon S3’s pricing to know more about it.

Unlike other solutions, it will not be the most user-friendly experience. Therefore, you may need to look at its documentation and Synology’s official recommendation for it to set it up correctly.
5. Backblaze B2 NAS Cloud Backup

Backblaze B2 is a top-rated cloud storage service tailored for backups.
The best thing about it is that it supports native integration with popular NAS devices, including Synology. So, you can seamlessly back up your data to Backblaze B2.
With Backblaze, you get one of the industry-leading security features to keep your account and the cloud data as safe as possible.
6. Wasabi Cloud NAS

Wasabi Cloud NAS is an exciting option where you do not have a limit to cloud storage, i.e., bottomless storage.
In other words, you will opt for a pay-as-you-go model where the storage grows, and your budget scales up. It will help you save costs on unused space or planned storage space.
For instance, you get a subscription for 5 TB of data, but you never use that much space. So, instead of paying for extra overhead, pay for what you use, and go beyond any subscription limits when your business requires.
7. Dropbox Backup
Dropbox is a well-known cloud storage platform with features that are fit for NAS backup. However, I recommend Dropbox as a secondary backup solution rather than a primary one.
That’s because of its limitations when it comes to storage space and speed. However, it does have merit and that’s why I have included it in the list.
I recommend Dropbox because it is more cost-effective with monthly backup plans starting as low as $15/month.
Dropbox is also easy to use and offers a secure way to store and access the backup. I also like its automated safety net that protects accidental deletions and drive failures.
Why is Synology NAS Popular for Businesses?
While it is both used by individuals and businesses, companies opt for it to keep things running smoothly.
NAS provides quick and easy access to the data from within the network. Whether your business has a dedicated IT team or not, anyone can use a NAS device without needing any technical expertise. You can watch its installation/setup video to see it for yourself:
It is also a reliable option compared to cloud services. An outage could disrupt businesses if relying on a cloud storage service. With a NAS, you can always access the data, as long as there’s no physical damage to the device.
Additionally, NAS devices can be easily scaled up to add more storage.
If these benefits do not compel a business, maybe a 5-year warranty and an option to extend it could seal the deal?
Yes, you get professional support (replacement) for your NAS devices if things go south for some reason, which is a rare occurrence.
Hence, these perks make it a perfect fit for small-medium businesses at the very least.
Why Do You Need a Cloud Backup of Synology NAS?
No matter the brand or capabilities of a NAS device, a huge amount of essential data resides in a NAS device while favoring it over a cloud service.
So, you do not have a backup for the data stored in an off-site location, which is usually the case with a cloud storage service.
Hence, to make the most out of it, you might want to opt for a cloud storage solution for Synology NAS for an additional backup.
Everything Goes to the Cloud
It’s the digital era where everything goes to the cloud, whether it is backup, streaming, storage, or an archive for research.
So, it makes sense to have a backup of your on-premise storage data on the cloud for convenience. Of course, the cloud can never replace having a physical storage drive, but it comes with its perks.
Most of the recommended cloud solutions should fit various use-cases, but you should only opt for the ones that fulfill your requirements.