One of the challenging tasks for an administrator is to remember the default port number.
You may remember the most common ones like HTTP, FTP, SSH but if you are working on various technology stacks then it’s difficult to remember all of them.
Here I have listed the default port numbers of various applications to help you in the real world.
Application/Web Servers
Name | Port Number |
Tomcat Startup | 8080 |
Tomcat Startup (SSL) | 8443 |
Tomcat Shutdown | 8005 |
Tomcat AJP Connector | 8009 |
GlassFish HTTP | 8080 |
GlassFish HTTPS | 8181 |
GlassFish Admin Server | 4848 |
Jetty | 8080 |
Jonas Admin Console | 9000 |
IHS Administration | 8008 |
JBoss Admin Console | 8080 |
WildFly Admin Console | 9990 |
WebLogic Admin Console | 7001 |
WAS Admin Console (SSL) | 9043 |
WAS Admin Console | 9060 |
WAS JVM HTTP | 9080 (first one only) |
WAS JVM HTTPS | 9443 (first one only) |
Alfresco Explorer/Share | 8080 |
Apache Derby Network Server | 1527 |
OHS | 7777 |
OHS (SSL) | 4443 |
Jenkins | 8080 |
Administrative server | 4848 |
HTTP | 8080 |
HTTPS | 8181 |
IIPO | 3700 |
IIOP_SSL | 3820 |
IIOP_MUTUALAUTH and mutual authentication | 3920 |
JMX_ADMIN | 8686 |
Well-Known Common Protocols
Name | Port Number |
FTP | 20 and 21 |
HTTP | 80 |
HTTPS | 443 |
LDAP | 389 |
LDAP (SSL) | 636 |
SNMP | 161 |
SSH | 22 |
Telnet | 23 |
SMTP | 25 |
Microsoft RDP | 3389 |
DNS Service | 53 |
NNTP | 119 |
IMAP | 143 |
IMAP (SSL) | 993 |
DNS | 53 |
DHCP server | 67 |
DHCP client | 68 |
TFTP | 69 |
SNMPTRAP | 162 |
POP | 110 |
NTP | 123 |
Netstat | 15 |
ARPA | 42 |
Windows Internet Name Service | 42 |
WHOIS | 43 |
TACACS | 49 |
Kerbos | 88 |
SFTP | 115 |
Network News Transfer Protocol | 119 |
VMNET | 175 |
BGP | 179 |
IMAP | 220 |
Border Gateway Multicast Protocol | 264 |
POP3 | 995 |
Telnet | 992 |
Name | Port Number |
DB2 | 50000 |
Redis Server | 6379 |
Oracle Listener | 1521 |
mongoDB | 27017 |
MySQL | 3306 |
MS SQL | 1433 |
Memcached | 11211 |
MariaDB | 3306 |
SQL Service | 156 |
Name | Port Number |
MQ Listener | 1414 |
IBM Connect:Direct | 1364 |
RabbitMQ Web UI | 15672 |
Tibco RV Daemon | 7474 |
GoToMyPC | 8200 |
Name | Port Number |
Syslog | 514 (UDP) |
Here is an infographic version which you can download or share with your friends.
Some of the abbreviations used in the above list
- WAS – WebSphere Application Server
- AJP – Apache JServ Protocol
- SSL – Secure Socket Layer
- HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol
- LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- SSH – Secure Shell
- SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- IHS – IBM HTTP Server
- NNTP – Network News Transport Protocol
- SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
I hope this cheat sheet helps you as a reference guide at your work. If you are looking to upgrade your skills then check out thousands of online courses here.
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