Geekflare’s Business Software Reviews Methodology

Geekflare is committed to providing you with unbiased and reliable software reviews. Our team has over 185 years of combined experience in business and technology, which allows us to understand your needs and identify the solutions that meet the software needs.

Since 2015, we’ve reviewed over 4,500 software, tools, and apps across 300+ categories, testing each one and analyzing user feedback from multiple sources. This hands-on approach, combined with our assessment of key features, pricing, ease of use, and customer support, ensures that our ratings and awards are unbiased and reliable. With Geekflare, you can make informed software decisions with confidence.

Meet the Geekflare Experts

Geekflare guides are written by humans for humans like you. We are a global team of 45+ experts including editors, writers, growth marketers and independent researchers. We are passionate about enterprise technology, cybersecurity, SaaS, artificial intelligence tools, and the software needs of SMBs.

  • Chandan Kumar
  • Rity Anand

    Rity Anand


  • Usha Romesh

    Usha Romesh


  • Adhithyan Sundar

    Adhithyan Sundar

    Marketing Lead

  • Narendra Mittal

    Narendra Mittal


  • Rashmi Sharma

    Rashmi Sharma


  • Joy Bhamre

    Joy Bhamre


  • Vijay Khatri

    Vijay Khatri

    SEO Manager

  • Yash Kumar

    Yash Kumar

    Growth Marketer

  • Ankit Bhatnagar

    Ankit Bhatnagar

    Marketing Expert

  • Anirban Choudhury

    Anirban Choudhury


  • Sandeep Babu

    Cybersecurity Expert

  • Nitish Singh

    B2B & Cloud Expert

  • Pallavi Godse

    Pallavi Godse

    Growth Marketer

  • Bipasha Nath

    B2B Expert

  • Harshit Baluja

    Harshit Baluja

    B2B Software Expert

  • Hitesh Sant

    B2B & Privacy Expert

  • Adnan Rehan

    Adnan Rehan

    B2B2C Expert

  • Amrita Pathak

    Amrita Pathak

    Enterprise Tech Expert

  • Archit Shukla

    Archit Shukla

    SaaS Expert

  • Deya Bhattacharya

    Deya Bhattacharya

    Business Tech Expert

  • Sanket Sarwade

    Sanket Sarwade

    Research Analyst

  • Durga Prasad

    Durga Prasad

    SaaS Specialist

  • Farhad Pashaei

    Farhad Pashaei

    Proxy, VPN Expert

We’ve empowered over 100 million businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide through our in-depth technology guide, tools and software reviews, helping them make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

How Do We Review Software and Tools?

We believe in real-world testing. To ensure we understand your pain points, our experts use free trials and subscribe to both FREE and PAID plans as needed to experience software just like you to get an actual user journey, a.k.a. experience.

Whether we’re testing CRM, AI tools, sales software, project management platforms, cloud-based accounting, collaboration tools, or HR tech like PTO tracking templates, payroll systems, and ATS, our experts step into your shoes (metaphorically, of course!).

Using each software, tools firsthand gives our team expert insights into user-friendliness, key features, pricing, category-specific functionalities, and customer support. This hands-on approach allows us to identify what makes (or breaks) a software solution for businesses.

Making Sense Of Those Scores

Who doesn’t want a 5/5?

But then there are others who prefer to score products more conservatively — so, how do we objectify the subjective art of scoring? Well, our reviewers have made this into a science, sans the fancy laboratory settings. They grade and rank products based on real settings, so that, be it remote working or collaboration with an on-site team for instance, we know what that particular software or tool can offer and its scope to scale up.

And being a bunch of passionate and ethical individuals, we’ve compiled the elaborate (but thankfully easy to understand) transparent scoring system illustrated below.

Ultimately, we want our scores to help you find the best fit for your specific requirements and budgets. Keep in mind that “best” can mean different things to different people. Our goal is to empower you with information so you can make informed decisions.

Product Award & Star Rating

In our search for the best product for you and your business, we’ve created product awards, each unique to end-user requirements. For instance, when you opt for our ‘Editorial’s Choice,’ you know you have a gem 💎. Similarly, Innovation, Value, and Budget mark the most salient or defining features of that product.

And, to keep things simple, we’ve devised a 5-star rating system, with 5 being the highest score (though 4.5 and 4 too are good, more on that later). Apart from reading the specifications and features, we understand that real people prefer a bit of feedback as well. Recall that last time dress shopping when you were confused whether the black number made you look slimmer than the blue, or which brand of sport shoes really would make the difference, the list is endless.

However, since our reviewers are terribly meticulous (🥳 good for you), we’ve also included a few half-stars to help define that extra edge! But just don’t go with the stars alone, there’s more to follow!

After all, when each business is different, why should their needs be all ranked in one group?

Editorial’s Choice

Confused after scrolling through software, tools, or service after service to find that elusive product that meets your needs? We understand, and so our experts scout through the list of possibilities, test the products for you by subscribing, trying trials, free periods, and even paid versions. Then they work categorically on what makes those products outshine their competitors, work on scoring, and ranking them — in short, they do A LOT of testing and then finally, you have the result: The Geekflare Editorial’s Choice!



Something unique and new surely deserves its mention. If you are looking for innovative excellence and a trendsetter that stands out from the crowd in terms of features and functionality — Innovation it is! Products that get this award have been tried and tested for all our usual requirements, but they stand out because they offer something innovative.



Isn’t getting value for your money the reason you’re reading these reviews in the first place? For those who want the premium and are flexible on their budget, this is a good choice. With value, we consider a blend of features and functionality as well as the weight of any cons, drawbacks, or scopes of improvement in the product. Thus, when you choose for value, you get nothing less than the very best!



On a budget, well, here’s the secret: who isn’t? 🤫 If you want a product that fits the bill or are exploring how a new software or tool can rev up business without committing too heavily at the onset — this is the one for you! While our reviewers love amazing features, they are practical as well, as we believe in testing based on real-world scenarios. So, if you want a pocket-friendly version, be sure to check for this!


Award Combinations

In the course of writing these millions of reviews, we realized that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the choice of a software, tool, or service. That is why the benchmark for our team is a product’s meeting business goals, be it value, budget, or innovation that you are searching for.

Let’s look at some possible award combinations and what they mean:

Editorial’s Choice4.5 and 5 starLook no further!
Innovation4, 4.5, and 5 starGreat innovative features, hard to resist!
Value3.5, 4, 4.5 starIf you are looking for value for your money, this is it.
Budget3, 3.5, 4 starWith budget on your priority list, you can’t go wrong here!

So, from a detailed analysis of pros, cons, features with a short gist, to stars, product awards, and intent-related combinations. Our team aims to provide you with genuine, insightful, and impact-driven reviews so that you know what you are getting into.

And, being people just like you, they know just what to look for and search for the features, compatibility, and accessibility that you’d need on a regular day.

See, we told you we’ve kept it simple yet effective! But that’s not all. Remember those times when you might give a product a 5 while your friend might rate it at 3? The culprit — perspective.

Perhaps you chose economy over features, or your friend preferred the innovative edge. Keeping in mind that we are all indeed different and business goals vary, we made this even more precise with product awards. May the best product win!

Until The Next Review, Then!

What, you’re still here? 🤗 That’s great!

So, since you must have got the feel by now; our team of experts is very serious about testing (though that doesn’t mean we don’t have fun!). We are forever improving and fine-tuning this process as it is our commitment to ourselves and to you, to provide you with all the information you need to make a truly informed decision.

Until the next review, then! 👋

PS: A big heartfelt 🥰 thank you from our team for being a dedicated reader. Geekflare reviews efforts are fueled by our desire to see you smile 🙂 on getting exactly the product your business wanted.