In this article, we’ll go over Python projects with code that’ll help you build a portfolio, and level up your Python programming skills.
We’ll start by discussing Python projects for beginners and going through a list of easy Python projects for beginners. I’ve also included a bit of information on Python, with tips on choosing a development environment and how to learn Python effectively.
For all of this and more, let’s begin!
Easy Python Projects for Beginners in 2024
As building projects and practicing problems is the key to effective learning, we’ve put together a list of 15 beginner-friendly Python projects and coding questions—all explained with code.
These practice problems and projects will start by focusing on fundamentals. The list will then gradually introduce you to different Python modules, and programming paradigms like object-oriented programming (OOP) – to help you go from a beginner to an intermediate Python programmer.
Let’s get started.
Solve Problems on Python Strings
A a beginner Python programmer, you should be familiar with Python strings and string operations. To help you level up, we’ve put together a tutorial covering interesting problems around Python strings.
Problems you’ll solve:
- Check whether a given Python string is a palindrome.
- Verify whether or not two strings are anagrams.
- Given a string containing the first name and last name, check if the name string is formatted in the title case.
Along the way, you’ll also learn important concepts like string slicing and string reversal in Python.
▶️ Read Python Programs on String Operations.
Work with Dates and Times in Python
Another important module in core Python is datetime
. Python has a built-in date time module that helps you work with dates and times efficiently.
We have a guide on working with dates and times and Python—with a focus on calculating time difference.
What you’ll learn:
- Working with
, anddatetime
objects in Python - Using the
object in Python to calculate time difference
What you’ll solve:
- Retrieve the current date and time in Python
- Calculate the time left for your birthday
- Compute the number of days left for this year’s Teachers’ Day, Christmas, and more
▶️ Check out our guide on working with date and time objects in Python.
Check if a Number is Prime in Python
As a next step, you can go through Python tutorials covering basic math and logic. Here’s a popular question: How to check if a number is prime in Python?
What you’ll code:
- O(n) algorithm check if a number is prime or not
- O(√n) algorithm to check for prime number—using the fact that factors of a number occur in pairs
▶️ Read the tutorial on prime number checking, explaining the algorithm and time complexity.
Multiply Matrices in Python
Matrices and questions around matrices will pop up often in coding interviews. To help you get started, we have put together an in-depth tutorial on matrix multiplication in Python.
What you’ll learn:
- Coding custom Python function to multiply matrices
- Using nested list comprehension to perform matrix multiplication
- Using NumPy built-in functions to multiply matrices
▶️ For a quick coding exercise, check out the tutorial on matrix multiplication in Python.
Work with Text Files in Python
In any programming language, file handling is an important aspect. And we have put together an in-depth guide on file handling in Python.
What you’ll learn:
- Working with text files in Python
- Common file I/O operations
- Working with data in files
▶️ Learn how to handle files in Python.
Print Pascal’s Triangle in Python
Now that we’re focusing on math problems, printing Pascal’s triangle is a frequently asked question in technical interviews.
What you’ll learn:
- how to construct Pascal’s Triangle
- how to implement a Python function to print Pascal’s triangle for any given number of rows
▶️ Learn to print Pascal’s triangle in Python.
Check for Valid Parentheses in Python
Checking for valid parentheses string is a popular interview question, and we have a tutorial to help you solve it!
What you’ll learn:
- Use Python’s built-in data structures: lists and dictionaries to solve the problem efficiently
- Validate any given parentheses string
▶️ Check out the tutorial on valid parentheses checking in Python.
Once you’ve ramped up on core Python fundamentals, it’s important to learn the basic searching and sorting algorithms, and we’ve got you covered with comprehensive tutorials on the same.
Searching Algorithms in Python
If you’d like to search for a specific element in an array, you’ll take the help of search algorithms.
- Linear search with
complexity, for input array of sizen
- Binary search with
O(log n)
While linear search is the best you can do when the input array is not sorted, binary search is the most efficient when you have a sorted array. This is because binary search works by reducing the search interval into half at each successive step.
▶️ Read the tutorial on search algorithms in Python to learn more.
Sorting Algorithms in Python
Once you’ve gotten the hang of how to search through lists, it’s helpful to learn how to sort lists. We have a tutorial that’ll teach you how to code some of the basic sorting algorithms in Python.
What you’ll learn:
- Insertion sort
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
▶️ Check out the guide on sorting algorithms in Python.
Build a Number Guessing Game
Number guessing game where you try to guess a secret number in the minimum number of guesses is a fun coding project. 👩🏽💻
What you’ll code:
- Validate user input against the secret number
- Give users feedback on their guess, and also limit the maximum guesses allowed
▶️ Start building a number guessing game in Python.
Code a Password Generator in Python
Have you ever found it difficult to come up with secure passwords—across sites you frequently visit on the web? How about coding your own password generator in Python?
You can use Python to generate passwords that meet constraints such as, the number of special characters, password length, and more.
What you’ll build:
- With the number of characters of each type as input, generate a secure password satisfying all the constraints
- Use Python’s
module effectively
▶️ Learn to code a password generator in Python.
Send Emails Using Python
Here’s a simple automation project in Python. You can use Python to automate sending emails. Wishing your colleagues on a special occasion, and your friends on their birthdays has never been easier! 📧
What you’ll learn:
- Automate sending emails
- Use
, a Python implementation of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
▶️ Learn to send emails in Python.
Build Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python
Tic-tac-toe is one game we’ve all played with our friends at some point in time. 😄 Wouldn’t it be cool if you could code it in Python, and invite your friends to play it as well?
Yes, and we have a tutorial that’ll you help you build your own tic-tac-toe game. You’ll translate the logic behind playing tic-tac-toe into Python code.
What you’ll use:
- Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Understanding class methods
▶️ Learn to code a tic-tac-toe game now!
Build a Multiplication Table App
Python is a general-purpose programming language that supports both functional and object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms. To help you level up your OOP skills, we’ve a project for you.
What you’ll build:
- Multiplication table app using OOP
- Learn to use class methods and attributes
▶️ Check out the project on multiplication table app using OOP in Python.
Code Snake Game in Python
Remember the classic snake game? You’ll leverage all that you’ve learned to build the snake game in Python, with graphical user interface (GUI)—by translating the game’s logic into Python code.
What you’ll build:
- A simple GUI in Python using the turtle library
- Code the rules of the snake game, and set up the game environment
▶️ Start coding snake game in Python.
Now that we are done with those projects, let’s cover some basics!
Why Should You Learn Python?
Easy-to-read syntax, a variety of built-in modules, and a supportive community make Python a great first programming language to learn.
Once you’re familiar with programming fundamentals, you may want to choose a path to specialize in, and learn specific skills.
Read through the following list of specializations. Does any of them interest you?
- Web Development
- API Development
- Data Analytics
- Data Science
- Data Engineering
- Automation
- Game Development

These are some of the most sought-after tracks; you could do all of these and much more with Python!
So if you’re looking to learn Python, the best time to start is now! ⏲
What are the Best Python IDEs and Code Editors to Use?
If you are beginner Python programmer, you’d likely need some help choosing the best development environment.
To solve coding problems and build simple modules, a code editor will suffice. As you start building larger projects with multiple modules, you may want to consider an integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE helps you manage installations, develop, and debug in the same environment.
Here are our top picks for Python code editors and IDEs.
#1. Sublime Text
With a friendly interface, support for Markdown, and multiple programming languages, Sublime Text is one of the code editors you can use for scripting in Python.
#2. Geekflare Online Python Code Editor
We have a library of Python tutorials, and you can open up Geekflare’s online Python editor and try running the code snippets, as you go through the tutorials You can do this right from your browser – no installation needed!
#3. Jupyter Notebook
Are you someone who likes to add descriptive text and images to document your project, in addition to writing code? If yes, Jupyter notebook could be a great choice to showcase your projects!
Apart from the traditional notebook interface, there are several Jupyter alternatives that provide better collaboration, and enhanced features.
#4. PyCharm
PyCharm from JetBrains is another popular IDE for Python. You can manage your projects inside virtual environments, install required packages, and profile your Python code. There is a free community edition that you can use.
#5. Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code, or VS Code from Microsoft is another free IDE that’s popular in the developer community. VS Code has extensions that support using a wide variety of tech stacks and programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Go, and Python.
What is the Best Way to Learn Python?
Now that you have a list of options for your development and programming practice, let’s see how you can learn Python effectively.
There are three steps to learning any programming language effectively.

Step 1: Learn the fundamentals
This would include learning the basic syntax, data types and built-in data structures, programming fundamentals such as conditional statements, loops, functions, and so on. You may learn Python fundamentals online from platforms like Udemy with Python bootcamps.
Step 2: Build projects
Learning the syntax is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mastering a programming language. The actual learning happens when you build projects applying what you’ve learned.
Step 3: Practice
At this point, you’ve understood the fundamentals, and have also built projects.
How do you ensure that you remain familiar with all that you’ve learned?
Well, deliberate practice is the key. This means you should revise and practice periodically, and flex your coding muscles.
Wrapping Up
I hope you found a few interesting practice problems and projects you can add to your portfolio. As you keep adding new skills to your Python toolbox, you should always remember to supplement your learning by building projects. Remember, consistent practice is the key to getting better at programming.
See you all in another Python tutorial soon! Happy learning!